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Die For Me: A Novel Of The Valentine Killer (2013)

by Cynthia Eden(Favorite Author)
4.02 of 5 Votes: 3
1611099145 (ISBN13: 9781611099140)
For Me
review 1: I loved this book. I didn't get much done bc I couldn't put it down! I did sleep with the light on one night. Valentine was a twisted killer but I believe he loved Kat because she was what he knew he should be but couldn't. She made the right choices, and even though life bruised her she didn't let it brwak her. He wanted to protect her from monsters like him. In the end he knew she found someone good but would dance on the line of bad to protect Kat. He knew she would be safe and loved. So she got to save him from himself. Kat and Dane burned hot 2 sides of the same coin. They crashed through each other's walls and fell head first in love never looking back. Awesome!
review 2: This was my first book by Cynthia Eden but definitely not my last! This book w
... moreas well written and edited. The characters were very well developed as was the entire story. I am normally very quick to "solve" the "whodunnit" but not so with this book and I loved that!!! It kept me guessing and it kept me engrossed in the story and characters from the first page to the last. Based on my first book by this author, she appears to be an exceptional writer and I can't wait to read more of her books!! less
Reviews (see all)
Great suspense with a good twist. I really enjoyed reading this book.
Always love this author, can't go wrong. Couldn't put the book down!
Reading a Cynthia Eden book is never a disappointment!
4.5 STARS.
very good
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