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Not So Innocent (2000)

by Dani Alexander(Favorite Author)
4.08 of 5 Votes: 6
Dani Alexander
Shattered Glass
review 1: I absolutely loved this book! So many parts of it were laugh-out-loud funny that my 12 year old son thought I was nuts! Austin's first person narrative was great! I felt bad for the poor guy; the only thing he really loved is his job. Can't blame him with the type of parents he had. Nothing really "clicked" until he met Peter...then the fun began!I'm really looking forward to reading Cai's book...if only Amazon had it available for my Fire!
review 2: 8/9/2013 apparently the author is very ill :( Send good thoughts to him!Ohh, waiiiiting. Can't wait to read this. Cai was so adorable in the last book, I can't wait to read his story in this one.Edit 9/21/2012Summer's almost over...2/4/2013 Dear Author, I'm giving ONE STAR until you actually publish this thing. ONE
... more STAR. Because I'm mad it's not out yet. So there. Actually get this book out and I'll consider upgrading the rating. less
Reviews (see all)
I added books 2 and 3 because book #1 was FANTASTIC. I can't wait to read these!!!!
Oh, what? I have to wait for this? FFS, that's disappointing :(
I've waited so long I've almost lost interest.
Cai and Riley? Really? My God!
Any release date yet?
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