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Natural Running: The Simple Path To Stronger, Healthier Running (2010)

by Danny Abshire(Favorite Author)
3.65 of 5 Votes: 1
1934030651 (ISBN13: 9781934030653)
Velo Press
review 1: Runners looking to change their heel-striking gait (which is the root cause of so many running injuries) to a more natural running style should definitely give this book a look. There is a fair bit of tedious repetition here, reinforcing at every turn the notion that heel-striking is bad for you, but there is also a lot of useful information on running shoes, the science of motion, biomechanics and the physics of running. Also included are exercises to help reinforce good running form and an 8-week transition plan.
review 2: This is an excellent book on the mechanics of how humans were designed to run. Abshire provides an in depth look at the evolution of running shoes from the early 60s through the running boom of the 70s, 80s and 90s. The main theme of th
... moree book is that we were designed to run with a midfoot or forefoot strike and not the heel strike for which so many of today's running shoes are designed. Abshire also proivdes a training plan and excercises to aid the reader in transitioning to a more natural way of running.As other reviewers have mentioned, Abshire is the co-founder of Newton Running Shoes, and it is clear he frames much of what he writes in order to sell shoes. I did not find that it was too over the top. In fact, most of the time he recommends shoes in a general way that does not even mention Newton.The only other possible negative about the book is that it is repetitive. I personally don't mind it as repetition is important when trying to change habits. Abshire writes the book as if he is trying to coach you to become a natural runner, and thus the repetition is warranted in my opinion.Overall a quick, good read for someone who wants to know more about how to run more efficiently with less injuries. less
Reviews (see all)
Full of good content from an author that is clearly an expert - just poorly written.
This was mostly skimming for me - good info, not a terribly compelling read.
This book was OK. There were some good tips, but a lot of repetition.
This really helped me fix a lot of problems in my running form.
Some pretty good tips if you are willing to search for them.
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