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The Other Lands (2009)

by David Anthony Durham(Favorite Author)
3.77 of 5 Votes: 1
0385523327 (ISBN13: 9780385523325)
Doubleday Books
review 1: I liked it but it wasn't as good as the first book. Some parts just didn't grab me...I know all authors have boring moments but this was different...it just seemed more like filler...tedious detail for what purpose? I liked the ending more than any part of the book. I will read the third one because I have to know what happens but I'm not in a rush. I respect his efforts and I will read a couple of his other books. I am curious about his historical fiction.
review 2: Cela fait un peu trop longtemps que j'ai lu le 1er tome, j'avais oublié pas mal de détails. Je n'ai pas eu trop de difficulté à reprendre. Intéressant développement des personnages et de l'intrigue. La guerre contre les Mein est terminée, Corinn a pris le pouvoir sur Acacia. C'est maintenant
... more une période de paix... toute relative. La Ligue intrigue plus que jamais, Mena doit exterminer des abominations crées par la magie du Santoth et Dariel se retrouve contraint à traverser les flots gris pour découvrir de nouvelles contrées. De nouveaux ennemis plus terribles et nombreux que les Mein font leur apparition. Vite la suite ! less
Reviews (see all)
A great fantasy from an author whose prose is as sumptuous as the worlds he imagines.
This series continues to surprise me with its ability to make me want to read more.
Can't wait to read the third book in this well done fantasy trilogy!
Amazing book...great characters too
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