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The Armed Garden And Other Stories (2005)

by David B.(Favorite Author)
3.9 of 5 Votes: 1
160699462X (ISBN13: 9781606994627)
review 1: David B. is an incredible artist and I really think, for me at least, I have to love both the drawings and the words/story involved in graphic novels (otherwise, I'll still to words only). David B's drawings are sometimes morbid, sometimes sensual, and sometimes just showing overwhelming expression and detail. He doesn't slip at all in his drawings here and there's a very mythical sense to what he's exploring. He's really talking about the beginning of creation, different warring thoughts, and showing different battle scenes.My issue with this graphic novel is more within my bias about stories themselves. I'm just not really all that keen on battles, wars, and things of that nature. True, because this involves myth this is much more interesting but it still really isn... more't my thing. I'd rather re-read David B.'s very personal autobiography Epileptic or more about his bizarre dreams (Nocturnal Conspiracies). If you're into the battle scenes and myth more than exploring just the human psyche and personal tragedy, this is the book for you, though.
review 2: Bizarre and badass Christian and Persian legends from the eighth and fifteenth centuries. David B rubs some brown watercolors over his drawings which somehow makes his style a lot more appealing to me than it was in EPILEPTIC. The color scheme reminds me of Jason's IRON WAGON, but in that book the drab colors made an already boring story seem even worse, and here I guess it reminds me of a crumbly parchment, I like it. If you look closely at the pages though you notice that some of the drawings are little bit pixely, like maybe Fantagraphics printed the pages just slightly bigger than they were originally drawn, or like maybe this was printed in some dude's office. I also wish there would have been a paragraph or two about where these stories came from, cuz now that I've read these I wanna go on some more historical/metaphysical/Christian/Muslim/Zoroastrian adventures. less
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weird, the first story had a great ending, but the others.....
Los puedo hacer bailar con mi tambor.
Nerdy bedtime stories
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