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Sundance: A Novel (2014)

by David Fuller(Favorite Author)
3.93 of 5 Votes: 1
1594632456 (ISBN13: 9781594632457)
Riverhead Hardcover
review 1: Full disclosure, I bought this book at an independent bookstore after I rented a car to the author as he arrived in the Bay Area to attend some book launch parties at bookstores. I was so intrigued by the 60 second summary David Fuller gave me about his book, "Sundance", that I wrote down the book's name and the author's name and bought the book the next payday. I gave it four stars because it's a great story. Almost a Western genre short story, as only the first few chapters happen out West, it's a mystery, Where did his wife go? it's also a Love Story. It's also a history lesson. A legendary gunfighter/bank robber finds himself out of prison and out of touch with current events, which I think is dealt with smartly and with a touch of humor. Then he goes to New York City... more to find his wife and, wow, is he a fish out of water. Some of the characters are stereotypical, historical place holders/mirrors for Sundance to reflect on the many changes/improvements? in the world, but the pacing is fast and fun, and there's gunfights and dumb bad guys and smart bad guys and it may or may not have a happy ending, no spoilers here.... but definitely looking forward to a sequel.
review 2: West meets East“Sundance” is magical in many places as Fuller imagines an alternate future to Harry Longbaugh’s gun slinging past. The story begins with Harry leaving a twelve year stint in a Wyoming prison, a sentence he served under a pseudonym. To protect her he’s sent his beloved wife, Etta Place away, forbidding her from visiting him or writing to him for the last two years of his sentence. Naturally his first thought when they spring him is to reunite with her…but where is she? And so the adventure begins.Sundance’s wife chase takes him to New York where blending in isn’t easy when you’re dressed like a desperado so he loses his chaps, boots and Stetson in favor of a navy blue suit. He’s also reevaluating what his skills are and how he fits in after so much time away and he doesn’t just have himself to worry about. The more clues he finds the more he becomes aware that Etta has changed as well and has her own adventure underway. Since Fuller is a screenwriter it’s hardly surprising how filmable the book reads. I kept picturing Redford aged by twelve years from his ‘Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” role. How does an aging bank robber behave in the world of 1913 on the eve of World War I? We’re not on the outlaw trail any longer! Fuller’s story is as oddly realistic as it is fanciful and lots of fun.Review based on an advance readers copy provided by the publisher. less
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Loved it. Discovered he wrote other historical fiction. Will search at MPL.
liked it, a little wordy at times
Well written, fun summer read.
Loved this book
Nice twists.
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