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The Pandas And Their Chopsticks: And Other Animals Stories (2014)

by Demi(Favorite Author)
3.89 of 5 Votes: 3
Wisdom Tales
review 1: What child and parent doesn't love a good old fashioned folk tale? Readers will love these cute Asian fables brought back to life with their extraordinary illustrations, that are colorful, detailed works of art. Young readers will enjoy a variety of tales that teach. The stories are seemingly simplistic but deliver a powerful message. Below is a sample of what readers may find throughout these pages.A River Discovers The Ocean Once upon a time, there was a big river. The river was so wide that buffaloes on one bank couldn't see horses on the other. The big river was proud. He thought that he was as great as great could be. Imagine his surprise when he finally came to the ocean. It was so much bigger than himself! The river said to the ocean, “If I hadn't seen your size w... moreith my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. I thought I was as great as great could be!” The ocean replied, “Nothing on earth is as great as me. Thousands of rivers flow into me, yet I am never full. But I know I am still just one part of the earth. And I am still only a speck of dust compared to the greatness of Heaven!” Be humble. It is the starting point of all greatness.Wisdom Tales has always provided exceptional books that teach young readers values and history. The display of tales combined with the exceptional artwork will be a treasure for any home library. Parents, teachers and children will enjoy these books for a lifetime.
review 2: A winner from DemiI've enjoyed children's books I've read in the past from Wisdom Tales Press. They do a quality job - from the authors they select to represent to the books produced. THE PANDAS AND THEIR CHOPSTICKS AND OTHER ANIMAL STORIES by author/illustrator Demi is my favorite book of theirs so far.The stories remind me of Aesop's Fables that I read when I was young. These are very short stories, with a moral at the end of each story printed in italics - perfect for young children with short attention spans. They also allow for a good discussion time with your children.The thing I like the most about these stories are the illustrations. They look like they are painted in cloisonné enamel. I've never seen this effect before in the illustrating of books. The illustrations are truly gorgeous.NOTE: I received this book in exchange for my honest review. less
Reviews (see all)
Fables are always a lot of fun, and I enjoyed the Chinese tapestry-style illustrations.
Wonderful Asian folktales. Engaging illustrations - animals very expressive
Short stories with a moral and beautiful illustrations.
Fun fable style stories with awesome illustrations
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