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Foreign Exchange (2014)

by Denise Jaden(Favorite Author)
4.33 of 5 Votes: 4
Evernight Teen
review 1: A refreshing book of friendship and love. This is the first book I have read by Denise Jaden and I plan to read many more. Jamie and Tristan grew up being neighbors and best friends. Tristan also had a hot brother names Sawyer who Jamie has had a crush on. upon getting ready to go on a trip to Europe with her school Jamie discovers her father will be in Malin and Tristan just so happens to be going their as well to pursue her Modeling career.Things become intense with Sawyer and Tristan gets worried about the trip. This book will have you turning the pages faster and faster and taking you on a roller coaster of a ride once Jamie hits Europe. Will Jamie finally get to see her father? Will Tristan become a high fashion model? Will Sawyer confess his feelings to Jamie. Be sur... moree to check this book out.
review 2: Foreign Exchange is about the power of friendship and love. Jamie Monroe is the "girl next door" who's biggest accomplishment is having an uber-beautiful best friend, Tristen, who also happens to have a hot older brother, Sawyer (see where this is going?). But when Tristen tricks her parents into letting her go to Europe, where she's going to break into a career in high-fashion modeling, Jamie and Sawyer smell a rat and take off across Europe to track down the wayward teen. But let's not forget Jamie and Sawyer. Can't have a good YA without a little romance. Sawyer is the hottest guy in school, way out of Jamie's reach...or so she thinks. Sawyer, a man after my own heart, knows a good thing when he sees it (or lives next door to it). I've read previous books by this author (all great!), and she changes up things with this one. The end of the book is full of great suspense that will have you staying up wayyy past your bedtime to finish it (disclaimer: I'm a wimp and my bedtime is 10pm...beauty demands sacrifice). Jaden't writing is fantastic and the story flows well. less
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Loved this! Wanted it to delve deeper though. Very interesting to see into the modelling world.
Can't wait to share this book with you! Jamie and Sawyer are really special characters to me.
Fantastic! (Review coming soon)
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