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Magnolia City (2014)

by Duncan W. Alderson(Favorite Author)
3.31 of 5 Votes: 2
0758292759 (ISBN13: 9780758292759)
review 1: I'm generous with giving this a 4 star review. I chose to read this because it is set in Houston Texas and I've recently relocated there. The novel was quite informative of the life and times of Houstonians and eastern Texas during the late 1920's to early 1930's. I found myself looking up the cities on google maps to orient myself with the travels of the heroine. I was really amazed at how the author wove in the historical facts of the area and people into the story. I must warn you that there is a little bit of some sexual content and frankly, it wasnt necessary. When I looked at the author again I just had to roll my eyes because of course, it is a "he". Why do male authors always find it necessary to write in sexual scenes? I was intrigued by the Mexican/American ... morelove/hate relationships. I felt disappointed in the ending. I felt they had just given up. I also didnt like the fact that she felt she had to do the apologizing....(another male author trait). I understand women were subservient during that era but the heroine always thought for herself and independence and the ending left me feeling like she took a GIANT step backwards.
review 2: What an absolutely fabulous book! I love historical fiction, but I was a little unsure about this book because it took place in a time period that I am not familiar with and normally don't read about. I am so glad that I took a chance and read it! Hettie (the main character) is a remarkable woman who gives up her Houston society life for the chance to experience real love and the life that comes along with it. The writing is phenomenal and just flows beautifully. Will definitely be looking to read more from this author! less
Reviews (see all)
Mr. Alderson tries just a little to hard and may have read Gone With The Wind one to many times.
Meh. I got weary of the characters after a while. But the history of Houston was interesting.
Became better as I continued reading it.
just ok, meh
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