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What Do You Think Of Me? Why Do I Care?: Answers To The Big Questions Of Life (2011)

by Edward T. Welch(Favorite Author)
3.81 of 5 Votes: 4
New Growth Press
review 1: Decent book, though brief. It is written to the high school/college demographic, so adult readers may find it light in spots. Everyone has some measure of care for what others think about them, even the pretenders. Welch puts his finger on the heart of the problem and identifies it well in its different manifestations. The problem is within and the solution is without. The solution side is what left me really wanting more, more development of thought. I appreciated his treatment of the fear of God, what it is and how it is misplaced. I just wanted a lot more of it.With all that, it's a good book and it could help to gain some perspective.
review 2: Everyday we go through life with a unique perspective shaped by others, our experiences, or the world. The idea th
... moreat my peers are the ones dictating my life from action to action is terribly scary. Edward Welch tackles this fundamental question that many can empathize with: "Who am I? to others, to myself, to God?" He delivers a powerful message in this book of how people can walk daily without having to worry about what others may think of you. This book is a very easy read, for he categorizes subjects into similar real world problems, application, reflection on yourself, and Scripture that relates to that subject. One of the best reasons why I loved this book was Welch sought out answers for so many questions that seem "minute" but relevant to the problem as a whole. For example: He approaches the topic of being in a relationship with Christ. Rather than throwing out a list of things to do or how to do it, he brings back fundamental basics such as answering who God is, what worship is, what is our essential human purpose, etc. A must read for anyone especially those who feel their actions are effected by what others think of oneself. less
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The book is addressed to teenagers but it's not hard to make the analogous applications. Helpful.
I am not the intended audience flor this book. This is aimed at younger church-going folk.
REALLY good read.
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