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Lola (2010)

by Elbert Or(Favorite Author)
3.37 of 5 Votes: 2
1934964336 (ISBN13: 9781934964330)
Oni Press
review 1: I found this book by accident when I was looking for something to read at my library. I liked the cover and how simple the art was so i put it on my pile for later. When I did finally take the time to read the summary i found out it took place in the Philippines. Which ment I had to read it. I know, dumb reason to read a book but I dont just randomly pick up a book set in the Philippines often. With my mom being Filipo I just had to read it. and iIt was a sweet coming of age story. His Lola (grandmother) was not the ghose haunting him and was to say really nit the story much, however she did have a big impace on our hero, Jesse. It may classified as a children's book, but I think it could be a good read for anyone. besides before youre done you may even pick up a little ta... moregalog ;)
review 2: So the art was good but the story...kinda flat. It was suppose to be a ghost story and sure there were ghosts but it wasn't that interesting. It also suffered from the dreaded quick change. Yes, graphic novel is a visual medium but that doesn't mean you can quickly change scenes without letting the reading now where you've moved to, forward, back, alternate reality. I know graphic novels are their own thing but the rules still need to be followed. All and all it was okay. less
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3 stars because I like the story but didn't come away emotionally satisfied.
A quick read but with a effective message on the power of perspective.
Such a fun and light read! Also, diverse characters FTW!
Love the artwork.
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