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The Burgess Boys (2013)

by Elizabeth Strout(Favorite Author)
3.51 of 5 Votes: 3
1400067685 (ISBN13: 9781400067688)
Random House
review 1: The plot meandered and kept me interested throughout. Two things bugged me: adding "ness" to make up cutesy words; and saying that the brother earned academic scholarships to Harvard. This is the second book I read this week with this inaccuracy. Ivy League schools do not offer merit based or athletic scholarships. They have tons of financial aid for accepted students but that is not the same thing.
review 2: What I've always appreciated about Elizabeth Strout's writing has been its economy, especially the manner in which the spareness of her plots seems to fit the sober pride and the stoic taciturnity of her characters. I've read every single one of her books and have relished them all, but this is the least spare, making it, by comparison, I guess, a little
... moreflabby. Not obese, not terrible, just....flabby. less
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The only reason I finished this book was I kept hoping it would improve, it didn't.
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