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Exquisite (2012)

by Ella Frank(Favorite Author)
4 of 5 Votes: 2
Ella Frank
review 1: I really liked this book! At first, I was extremely annoyed by Lena. I mean, seriously, this woman was a grade A bitch. Even knowing why she felt she had to act like that didn't help me like her at all. I don't know at what point I started softening to her but by the 50% mark, I was all in. I had no idea this book was as emotionally deep as it turned out to be. Such loss, such growth, and such a beautiful story of two souls whose lives were entwined before they ever knew it. I cried more times in this book then any other book this year. A book that can make me cry, not just tear up, is always a winner.
review 2: I've been occupied reading anything by Ella Frank since reading Blind Obsession a little over a week ago. Exquisite is a nice, little romance. Strong f
... moreemale lead, Lena, with some tough personal baggage and Mason, the male lead - tall, dark and handsome - just like I them. The setting is Chicago. Lena is a doctor and Mason is a chef and restaurant owner.The story is not far fetched, nobody is uber wealthy or anything and all of the supporting characters are likable and relatable. I especially like Lena's best friend and coworker Shelly Monroe. I enjoyed every minute of it. I will say that this series is much more light hearted than Ella's Blind Obsession and Veiled Innocence and I welcomed the change and enjoyed the writing. My favorite scene involved peaches... you'll have to read it to find out! Recommended! less
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I really enjoyed this hot and steamy book. I'm looking forward to the next book in this trilogy.
Mason and Lena together are perfect for one another.
This was an awesome read from begining to end.
Another fun read by Ella Frank!
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