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The Guardian, Book 2: To Run With The Swift (2013)

by Gerald N. Lund(Favorite Author)
3.93 of 5 Votes: 5
Deseret Book
review 1: This book was not great. Imagine a villian who will go to any length to steal, manipulate, cheat and mentally destroy another person. Nothing is out of bounds except killing a person. Does that sound realistic to you or even close? It didn't to me either. Once caught at the end of the story the antagonist suddendly catches demensia and isn't punished for her wrong doing and everyone goes happily on their way.I have loved the other books that Lund has written, including his early non historical fiction. This one just wasn't up to snuff.
review 2: I was not a huge fan of the first one and reluctantly started this one. I did so as I had to know how the story ended. Luckily, I found this one much more enjoyable. I don't know if it was because I was accustomed
... moreto the annoyances that the first book presented or if in fact it was truly better. I like to believe the latter. This book had me on the edge of my seat. Often certain plot twists were somewhat to neat to be believable I still found the ending a simply perfect and rewarding experience. I can now say that I would recommend it to others. less
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Read this a couple of months ago but I felt it was a exciting sequel to The Guardian.
I liked this book, but I didn't like it as much as the first one.
Loved the ending!
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