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Brothers Of The Wild North Sea (2013)

by Harper Fox(Favorite Author)
4.26 of 5 Votes: 3
1619214806 (ISBN13: 9781619214804)
Samhain Publishing
review 1: This is really an awesome surprise ! As I try and get out what I hope is my last ball about this read, I'll try and be coherent.I'm helping someone with Beowulf while I was reading this and the knowledge of the era and the respect and care that is given to the detail is worth noting . I've read authors in various genres who knew less about the minutiae of the environment ; diet ; culture and many other aspects of their often famous works that were made an integral part of this book. As someone who knows this time period , especially in church history , and what was coming around the historical bend , this read was a riveting ride. At it's core this is an intricately woven love story though; not a historical marker or an ecclesiastical bio of sorts( well, not in a bad way... more at all!) I'm sure some will say it's cliche but... thank you so much for the ending . Even though the author had me on edge until the last minute. I had to stop reading every 50 pages to calm myself and do mundane things like sleep and eat and work. By the end , it was all I could think about . One more thing: I know taste is subjective and I try so hard not to read too many reviews but it's kind of sad to read the reviews that show a complete misunderstanding of the authors intent . There is no proselytizing about this book. That's so far from the point , plot or aim here. I m n s h o , o c!
review 2: This is a really great historical novel - I love all the depth that Harper Fox brings to whatever time period or place she's writing about. This is about a monk and a viking and the details about both their lives, in the church and the land seemed incredibly authentic. She's an amazing world builder. Her POV heroes are incredibly likeable and noble. For anyone looking for M/M (that's male/male) I recommend starting with Harper! less
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Really liked this one! Well-written, and I cared about all of the characters.
Loved it! I have now read all of Harper Fox's books, and need more!!!
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