Thanks to Taking on a World of Words for hosting this weekly blog hop where readers all gather to share what they’ve been reading and want to read next. You can absolutely join in by visiting her blog and leaving a comment answering the following 3 questions.
I read this great YA book called Waiting for Natalie by Dan Spanton. Excellent YA book, wonderful writing, fascinating locale of Colombia, South America. Apparently the author lived there. There was a massive inconsistency in the 2nd to last chapter, quite glaring really, but other than that, it was a very fun read.
Also, I finally finished the Porter Family series by Becky Wade, that being book #3 A love like Ours. I loved it, of course I love all her books. Except her novellas. I’m VERY picky about novellas. But there was a novella I read in December, which was set between book #3 and #4. I had read book #4 quite a while ago and they’re mostly stand alones, although it helps. But the Novella was terrible, particularly because it was so SHORT. Like, 25 pages or something. It definitely helps to read book #3 before you read the little in between novella.
Last week I finished the 2nd book in the Haven Seeker’s series.
Found and Lost: by Amanda G. Stevens.
These books are intense. What if Christianity was outlawed because the government deemed that every Christian was a dangerous person, based on the actions of just a few? FREAKY huh!! Sounds like the current government’s mindset toward Islam. (Which, honestly I just made that connection last week, long after finishing the first book in the series…still Super freaky!!!
Great book. Well written. Not sure I like the ending. From the beginning, I liked MC 1 and hated MC 2 then throughout the book, my opinions reversed themselves. MC 2 turns into a total jerk IMO. But the ending is obviously completely open ended. I’ll be checking out book 3 eventually.

Outlander: So far I’ve heard that the 2nd book is better. Well, sometimes that’s what happens in a huge book series lol. But Diana Gabaldon is an extremely talented writer. Beautiful prose so far.
Also, the Wedding Dress: A romantic book about a mystical wedding dress that fits everyone who tries it on perfectly without any alterations. It’s interesting so far. It’s supposed to be a historical fic book (one of those novels where the story jumps from present to past and back again.) I just started, so I’m still formulating my opinions. I love Rachael Hauck’s previous books though.
Still reading Kara Isaac’s Can’t help Falling. Finally, it’s starting to pick up. This one started out much slower than her debut. I am enjoying the story and the characters. It’s not as funny (yet). Still waiting