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Entrée (2012)

by Ivan Rusilko(Favorite Author)
4.21 of 5 Votes: 5
1623420067 (ISBN13: 9781623420062)
Omnific Publishing
The Winemaker's Dinner
review 1: I Love it when a book incites strong reactions from me. They rarely do. This one did. As mentioned in my review of book #1, one of the reasons I love this book is because of the characters. They are both strong individuals that didn't let life's deceptions (we all have them) impact negatively on their life; in plain language, they have their shit together. So many books I've read recently (think FSOG, Bared to You, Thoughtless series, etc., have weak female characters or have characters who carry a lot of negative baggage with them and it gets old after a while).I appreciate a good love story, with a realistic level of angst, and I loved this one. They're both trying to make it work amidst burgeoning careers and their relationship is being challenged, especially by Damian,... more which was a great addition to this book, as it brought another means to get to know Jaden better.The authors describe so beautifully the love between the two characters and the way they show each other that love. The ramp up to the angst was great. I had made the mistake of reading the excerpt of book #3, so I already knew how the book was going to end (LESSON LEARNED – NEVER AGAIN WILL I READ AND EXCERPT OF BOOKS IN A SERIES…URGHHH), but I was still gripping my chair all the way to the end, hoping….I don’t want to spill anything away for others here, so I will stop with my venting.At mid-point in the book, I thought Ivan was too perfect, verging on the “unbelievably perfect” character, but then a few scenes brought him back to a “better” level of perfection (one example: he’s looking at his petite blond receptionist and thinks to himself “if I was single, she’d be worth the lawsuit”. Didn’t you say to a certain someone that you were NOT into one night stands Dr.?) But that scene and a few others made him more real to me (boys will be boys).I can’t wait for book #3 to come out (only 1 month to wait, thank God!). After having just finished book #2, I was hoping an HEA with Jaden, but the little devil in me is hoping to read about how much fun Ivan is having moving on. After all, he’s such a positive guy and he did say to Micky what would happened if Jaden said no: “Of course then I suppose I’ll go on a rogue mission of mindless, nameless, faceless sex and depravity”. We all could live vicariously through him :o#One last thing – After reading the way he conducts his consults, I wonder how much it would cost to obtain an appt for a similar consult by the good Dr.??
review 2: WOW!! just wow.. They have done it again.I don't even know where to begin. This story again has held me captive in the best way!! This is a story of love, trust, companionship, and intimacy!! Oh the intimacy!! If you want a heartstopping love story that experiences the real life issues of love this is the book for you!! If you love hot, steamy sex this is also the book for you!!! Love it and can't wait for desserts!!! less
Reviews (see all)
Great follow up to #1, the intensity never wavers... Can't wait for "Dessert" ;)
Eager to find out what's going to happen next!! On to the next one...
I love Ivan! Can't wait for desserts!
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