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Falling To Heaven: The Surprising Path To Happiness (2000)

by James L. Ferrell(Favorite Author)
4.34 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: There were some interesting points/ideas, but as with all religion, there is a lot of speculation/conjecture so who's really to say where the author is correct or not? I thought he had some really good ideas in some areas but I thought he was really reaching in others. I think Mr. Ferrell could have interviewed more people and dug up more entertaining examples to illustrate some of the ideas and points in his book although his own experiences definately personalize the book more. I liked/got a good chuckle at how he addressed some of the gender fallacies prevalent in the Mormon church. Overall, the book made me think and while I didn't necessarily agree with some of it, I'm not so opinionated as to disagree either.
review 2: I love this book and think every
... moreone should read it. It is easy to get caught up in condemning others for there sins, but in reality we are all so far from the perfection of God that we are equally fallen. I was reading in Mosiah 2:23-25 in which is talks of us always being indebted to go and that we can say aught for ourselves. We are not even greater than the dust. As such we are certainly not greater than an other person regardless of what there sins may be in comparison to ours. Additionally Christ created us and purchased us through the atonement. Which was making me think that as each of us belong to him we shouldn't condemn others, but love them. I went YSA workshop and one of the workshops I went to was amazing. The women that taught it had an amazing testimony of the Atonement because she had applied it, not as the sinner, but as the one sinned against. Her husband and best friend had an affair. She told of her struggle to find peace and came to realize that would only come through forgiveness. Through prayer, fasting, temple attendance, etc she was able to apply the atonement and truly forgive this women. One thing she said that really stuck with me was that she realized that they were on the same team. Though she hadn't committed the sin of adultery she had her own sins and that we are here to help each other not to condemn one another. It is a great book that really makes you think about life and how you view and treat other people. Please read it! I for sure need to read again and probably again since it will be a lifetime struggle to gain charity. less
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This was the most important and impactful book I read all year! It is paradigm-changing!
This was a great book on the Atonement and the need for humility.
Great book. Very helpful.
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