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Viral (2012)

by James Lilliefors(Favorite Author)
3.65 of 5 Votes: 4
1616950684 (ISBN13: 9781616950682)
Soho Crime
Mallory Brothers
review 1: This thriller is full of characters and twists and turns. It is a compelling read in the beginning. One must be careful attention when reading to take in all of the detailed information. The threat of chemical weapons is frightening. I liked the spy undercover drama and the brother out of his element. A good read but I finally found the detail and the length tiring. A good effort but tightening up the story would be of benefit. I felt the plethora of information obstructed the flow of the drama.
review 2: This book suffers from a deficiency of adjectives. I contemplated four times giving up on it. Finally skimmed the last 100 pages just so I could find out what happens. Found one typo on Page 302. It reads like a very long news article, stilted abnormal dia
... morelogue, terse and basic. Too much espionage and governmental deception to be "up my alley", but I thought the biotechnological theme would be interesting. I was wrong. less
Reviews (see all)
Somewhat complicated plot, but overall a pretty good read.
Boring. Did not finish. Freebie.
Very interesting story.
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