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Sanctuary Line (2011)

by Jane Urquhart(Favorite Author)
3.44 of 5 Votes: 2
1596923660 (ISBN13: 9781596923669)
MacAdam/Cage Publishing
review 1: This is not a novel to race through, it requires patience to unravel the various levels and nuances that create the narrative of what at first appears to be a plotless book. Urguart never takes the easy way out- she provides fragmented memories of the protaganist's past in an Ontario orchard farm where she now studies butterflies, the barn and all the other implements and the trees now gone. It is only the last 50 pages where everything comes together and the reader is taken up by the power of it. Before that, I must confess, I was finding it a difficult row to hoe.
review 2: I found this book very hard to get through. Urquart no doubt is very talented with the written word but unfortunately the story got lost in her words. It takes the entire book to get to
... more the story which occurs in the last couple of chapters. There are a few moments of brilliance in these last chapters but not enough to compensate for the overly wordy story that is all over the map in the beginning and middle of the book. The fact that there was no resolve of any sort left me more than frustrated when I finally finished it. less
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Beautifully written; metaphorically brilliant.
Hard to get into, didn't enjoy it,
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