Review: The real thing by Melissa Foster


This book was, in one word, delicious!

What can I say about the storyline? It’s just on point! They were close friends in school but then Zane left Sweetwater to go to L.A. and, even though they kept texting each other, it was never the same thing again. They have barely seen each other for ten years and now Zane wants her to be her fake fiancé so he can clean his reputation and get the job he wants. The problem is when they can’t separate anymore what’s fake and what’s real and they start realizing that what happened ten years ago wasn’t so insignificant as they thought it was.

Then the characters…

Zane is absolutely dreamy. On the outside, he’s just a famous Hollywood actor but on the inside, he’s down to earth, caring, sweet, funny and so so naughty. Oh, and don’t forget romantic. Basically, you know that man that goes the extra mile to make sure his woman is happy? Well, that’s Zane in a nutshell

Willow is also incredible! She’s not annoying (which is a rarity nowadays) and so so funny! And, just like Zane, she’s also naughty in the bedroom! I can’t even begin to tell you how hard I laughed thanks to her naughty side. Which leads me to the sex scenes: they are hotness itself and out-of-this-world romantic.

I could honestly be here all day and I wouldn’t find anything bad about this book! Everything is so perfect! I just now realized that this was my first book by Melissa Foster and I’m honestly mad at myself now that I know how amazing her work is.

I truly cannot recommend this book enough! You have to read this. It will make your heart flutter and you will feel butterflies in your belly as if you had Zane right in front of you (this is me dreaming big).

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Melissa Foster



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