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O Mistério Do Quadro De Bellini (2012)

by Jason Goodwin(Favorite Author)
3.69 of 5 Votes: 1
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Yashim the Eunuch
review 1: While other mysteries featuring Yashim the eunuch detective are set in Istnabul, this title is set in Venice. Palewski, the Polish ambassador becomes a proxy for Yashim who has been charged with finding a portrait of Sultan Mehmet the Conquerer painted by the Italian Bellini. The current sultan has heard of this portrait and would like to own it once again. The plot is based on a true story about a real painting that now hangs in the National Gallery in London. Palewski impersonates an American art dealer while he befriends local art dealers, decadent aristocrats, dealers and forgers. This is a time in Venetian history when the city is in a stage of decrepitude. Its former glories are in decline and the families whose position was built on banking and trade have fallen on... more hard times. Perhaps the portrait of the sultan can be purchased from some impoverished family and thus returned to Istanbul. But the city of canals and gondoliers becomes increasingly dangerous. Yashim arrives to rescue his friend from entanglements with an exotic countess. Together they must unravel the intrigue. Jason Goodwin weaves historical detail about Venice and its relationship to Istanbul in an masterful way.Yashim the detective continues to deliver a skilled and satisfying ending to this historical art mystery.
review 2: I love this series for the ambiance that the author imbues the stories with. He describes the food, the people, the cities and the attitudes with such a flair that you almost feel that he was there and that you are there.This story was not my favorite as it moves the setting to Venice and give the Polish Ambassador a much larger part than Yashim. Venice never comes alive like Istanbul did for me in the previous books and the mystery wasn't as interesting as the others. less
Reviews (see all)
A very good historical mystery--literate and compelling. I will try to find more by this author
In this, rather than Istanbul, Yashim is in Venice. Another fascinating adventure
Satisfied my obsession with the Ottoman Empire and Turkish cuisine . . .
My second favourite book, second only to the Baklava Club.
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