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Low Moon (2009)

by Jason(Favorite Author)
4.02 of 5 Votes: 4
1606991558 (ISBN13: 9781606991558)
review 1: I put off reading Jason for a long time because I was snobbish about reading stories about talking animals, but now that I've got over myself I'll definitely be reading more.This is only the second book of Jason's work that I've read (Athos in America was my first), but already I see that he has a very fixed pattern: four panels per page, anthropomorphic characters, and stories of sadness, loneliness, low life and murder, laced with dark humour. In fact this collection contains more outright humour than Athos in America, especially in the titular story and & (that's the title, not a typo).The four-panel page is a definite asset to these stories, by the way; it fixes a fairly slow pace which adds to the pathos of the stories.
review 2: I was pleasantly surprised
... more with this book.I'd never heard of Jason and his books before. I just stumbled upon it at the library and thought "this book is bound nicely. The pages look of good quality. Someone put a lot of thought into it." Yes, I judged a book by its cover, but it was one of the FEW times that it paid off.The humor is VERRRYYY dry. It sneaks up on you until you find yourself aching with laughter, or aching with the effort of trying to keep yourself from laughing because you're in a quite room. I think that each story is BRILLIANT. The writing style is brilliant. The illustrations are magnificent. I give it 5 stars, no question. less
Reviews (see all)
Quirky, insightful, and entertaining. Don't really need much more than that.
Brilliant! Love this guy! The chess-western was straight up great!
As good as graphic novels get.
Bellísimas historias.
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