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Broken Blade (2014)

by J.C. Daniels(Favorite Author)
4.24 of 5 Votes: 3
0989460517 (ISBN13: 9780989460514)
Shiloh Walker Inc
Colbana Files
review 1: Kit really has a lot to come back from at the start of this book. I like that Wolf Haven is indeed a haven for her, but was glad when TJ started pushing Kit back to her normal life. I was amazing how one little job morphed into so much more for Kit and how some people around her paid a high price. What I thought was especially interesting was learning more of the history of the NH's. I think that Kit and company did the only thing they could have by fighting. I find the little tidbit with Doyle at the end to be intriguing and can't wait to see what that will have to do on the future of things.
review 2: Not content with leaving our heroine broken in body and soul, still more trouble is heaped on her shoulders. so, Pandora descends on kit looking for that b
... moreox and a woman's body to claim for rejuvenation. kit defeats and kills her. kit finds a possible relative..another aneira , a hybrid like herself..bit the hybrid has a bonded axe and is a cat...hope there's a sequel. I want kit to defeat the queen birch who tried to destroy kit since birth. less
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Not my favorite of this series but still good.
Really enjoyed this 3rd book in her series
This was a very satisfying book!!!
Love this series.
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