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The Shifter (2012)

by Jean Johnson(Favorite Author)
3.94 of 5 Votes: 4
0425247333 (ISBN13: 9780425247334)
Berkley Trade
Shifting Plains
review 1: Solyn Ys Rei and best friend, Traver Ys Ten, know that something is very wrong with some of the most powerful men of their village. It seems like overnight they have changed, they were kind, loving, and trustful men who are now mean and dishonest. Solyn and Traver make plans to go for help. When Traver leaves to travel with the tea caravan he plans to take off in the middle of the night to ride for help. Solyn is not just a healer but also a mage. She has kept this a secret from the village. She helps her mother , who is the village healer, when needed with the healing and also in making cheese that they sell. She wants to go to the city to get training in order to use her mage skills to help with healing people. She knows she cannot leave her home until the probl... moreem with the shifters is solved and life is back to normal. Kenuen Sin Sim, along with friends, is trying to locate the Family Mongrel. They are a bunch of men who have been banished for their crimes. They have banded together and call themselves Family Mongrel. It has been years since any member of the family has been seen but rumors are spreading about sightings. The group decide to split up and travel in different directions so that they can cover more ground. Kenuen run into Traver and he tells Kenuen about what is happening with some of the men in his village. Kenuen inpersonates Traver and returns to the village to find out what the family is up to and what they are looking for. But there is one thing he did not count on, and that is his reaction to Solyn. This is Ms Johnson's third installment from the world of Sons of Destiny series. If you are looking for something different to read then Ms Johnson's books are the way to go. The character and the world they live in is different from any other story out there. Can't wait for more.
review 2: This one was fun and creepy. The creepy part being that the people took their natural talent of being a shifter and corrupted it. The Shifterai take their talent to shift into animals as sacred, only shifting to other people when they are kids, after a certain age it is looked down upon. However these bad people they have banished use their talent to shift into other people, influential ones, so that they can steal their lives and the wealth and power they have. The talk of how they manipulate their features creeped me out, just the thought is so wrong.I thought that Kenyen did a great job with the situation he was thrown into. It was good that he was able to speak to Traver a little bit first. I was very glad that Kenyen came clean with Solyn early on as I wouldn't have been ok with him lying to her the whole time. I really liked how each of them was able to share their culture and how the little things meant a lot to them. I think the best part of the book was the big confrontation at the end. Kenyen did a great job of pretending to be the bad guy in front of his new family. When things really went to hell it was great to see Solyn stand up for him.All in all this was a great addition to the world that this author has created with her Sons of Destiny series and this Shifting Plains one. less
Reviews (see all)
Great characters, but the writing was not up to her usual standard.
It's decent, but not as good as some of her other ones.
Got to read this one for free. Enjoyed it
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