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The Short And Tragic Life Of Robert Peace: A Brilliant Young Man Who Left Newark For The Ivy League (2014)

by Jeff Hobbs(Favorite Author)
4.2 of 5 Votes: 5
147673190X (ISBN13: 9781476731902)
review 1: This book will stick with me for some time. A tragic story about what seems to be a wonderful young man. As the mother of 2 young men I can feel Jackie's pain and imagine how hard it must have been for her to watch her son make some disturbing choices (understanding,of course, that she didn't know everything about his life choices). This is a story about race, poverty, education, and choices. I think the sad last thought I have is "if only...."
review 2: This story was painful and hopeful at the same time. Although I knew what Robert Peace's life would come to I was in awe with the degree to which he planned and outlined his drug business and goal in life, which was to get out of the drug business. Robert Peace's life stayed with me long after I closed the
... morebook. Like many I wondered what this brilliant young man's life could have been had he just chosen a slightly different path. less
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Unfortunately I lost interest about half way through.
A must read. Couldn't put it down.
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