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For Kicks (2012)

by Jenna Bayley-Burke(Favorite Author)
3.46 of 5 Votes: 5
1609288386 (ISBN13: 9781609288389)
Samhain Publishing
review 1: So I spent most of the story frustrated with the h because she was constantly turning the H down even though she didn't truly want to but his seduction techniques were so good and her loins were betraying her... I didn't connect with her. She wasn't respected at work and she was willing to sacrifice anything to get a promotion with them. I didn't believe that the H would really chase this lady for so long just for a fling, what he was after in the beginning, to show her how to have fun. But I really liked the writing style and the ending was very cute. Not my favorite from JB-B, but a nice story anyway.
review 2: Breeze is focused, so focused she puts her love life and dating on permanent hold. She wants nothing more then to work her way to the top and be the
... moreyoungest manager for Mendelssohn's department stores. When a big launch is in jeopardy she is willing to do almost anything to make it a success.When Breeze literally tumbled into Logan's arms and life they had no idea what would happen. With chemistry neither of them could deny - although Breeze sure tried - will they be able to balance work and pleasure or will it be a deal breaker?This was an interesting read. I had to push my way through the first little bit to get into the story, but I was glad that I did. I really enjoyed the chemistry between the characters, how opposites Logan and Breeze learn to overcome the obstacles. I enjoyed Logan's pursuit of Breeze, how he tells her not to fight fate.FOR KICKS was a cute quick read. Jenna is a new author for me and one I'll definitely look for in the future. This is one that most contemporary readers will enjoy. less
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Super easy and fun read... Very Breezy.... haha :) Great beach read!
Jumped all over the place. Couldn't get into it at all
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