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Compromising Positions (2009)

by Jenna Bayley-Burke(Favorite Author)
3.71 of 5 Votes: 3
1605044776 (ISBN13: 9781605044774)
review 1: I'm a huge fan!!A few notes:-I'm not a hugely emotional gal so some of Sophie's reactions surprised me...but they mostly made sense upon closer inspection, and she's still really likeable. I love that she isn't afraid to tell her man exactly what she wants, despite a few rejections. Plus, she's like a gumby yoga superhero -- who doesn't admire that?!-Who wouldn't love David, a sexy man who doesn't know who/what he wants until he comes face-to-face with her/it? A man who goes all-out? A man who does everything wholeheartedly -- from f*cking it up to fixing it again?-The sex HAS A POINT!!! (Sometimes it's "just" really hawt sex for the sake of really hawt sex; but sometimes it mimicks the emotional changes happening between MCs...even then, it's still really hawt.)-The sex i... mores really hawt.-The pacing is great, and the story flows really well.-I love the banter between H/h; so refreshing to find fun banter like that.Yeah; this is definitely a good read, definitely a book I'll be ordering a hard copy for (instead of merely an ebook), and definitely a book worth recommending.
review 2: This was a kindle freebie that I finally got around to reading this past summer, and I really enjoyed it. The heroine is teaching a couples yoga class (subbing for her sister) and ends up teaching it with a cute guy. They both have Issues, of course, which make them resist (at least at first) the attraction caused by the forced--public--intimacy of the class they're teaching. This allows for a strong building of sexual tension. I really liked the heroine in this one. less
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It's a cute love story that gets hot in many places.
super cute book. I had fun reading it on vacation.
3.5 stars rounded to 4 for entertaining values
A fun read.
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