* Picture thankfulness

I decide to post my Ten Things of Thankful in photos this week.  Thanks, Josie, for hosting this blogging challenge!

“O, what tangled webs we mortals weave when first we practise to deceive!”  I’m grateful to be hand-in-hand with a dear family who faces a spinning web of lies.

My dear sister-in-law Eva Marie Everson, is an author and more!  She took this photo and created WOW!

A much-needed sign for Google hangouts when tutoring!

What a miracle!  A friend walked away from this.  Her car was totalled….

Thankfully, no one on Pinterest will ever see this wonky Wonderopolis project!


Thankfully, this is fiction.  A review will follow!

A student has worked hard at Camp Wonderopolis and enjoyed every minute of it!

Had fun with a friend and her daughter.

Just in case hurricane Irma takes aim at NC, our roof and underlying wood are now secure, thanks to some wonderful folks!

Finally, how pleased I am to share this blurry photo of one of our “twins,” taken from my car, as this one and its partner rest in a neighbor’s yard- not ours!

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