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The Laws Of Kings (2000)

by Jennifer Loren(Favorite Author)
4.17 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: Jennifer doesn't disappoint with the Colletto boys! The Laws of Kings is full of details, twists, and the unique ability to put readers in the front row of an action-packed plot, romance, mafia intelligence, and undeniably memorable characters. You'll fall in love with Dace! His handsome good looks, charming wit, talent, and bad boy persona will captivate you into learning more about his role in the Colletto family and leave you eager to fill in the details of an intriguing story. Get ready to smile, laugh, sit on the edge of your seat, and maybe even sweat a little. ;)I can't wait to see what comes next!
review 2: This author never fails to amaze me. I read The Law Of Kings and I was once again sucked into a world with characters I wish were real. I just love
... morecriminals. Especially the ones created by this author. Dace, and his three other brothers, belong to a well respected ( and well feared ) mafia family. With their family name they have the power to get anything or do anything they want * sigh, swoon* If I were one of the Colletto´s I´d walk in Mc Donalds and order a cheeseburger. I just know I´d get one looking exactly like the cheeseburgers they show in the TV commercials. Just like that. * double sigh* Anyways........This family had it in them to move heaven and hell until one day the family was torn apart by awful events. After the family reunion ( years later ) all four brothers intensified in character.Michael, Ettore, Dace and Antony couldn´t have been any more different from one another even if they tried. And as for their jobs.....well let´s say they were just as different but still connected. They all work for and against each other. How exciting..:-) I LOVED IT!I actually got a kick out of all the characters from this book. From the mafia gang to the cops....all loveable. It´s a good versus evil kind of story. Only question is: Who is good and who is evil? Who is trying to fuck who over? This author keeps you guessing which dickhead wants who dead all the time! Not to forget the sexy love intrest in this story. What went down between Austin ( heroine ) and Dace was something totally emotional in every way possible. I was shocked, I laughed alot, and I was hurting for these two. My God...the stuff they went through was unbelievable. It was a dark, full of action, mafia ROMANCE ( honestly....the romance in this one nearly killed me. That´s how GOOD it was * wink wink*) with a touch of pure awesomeness. Deadly, sexy to the core!My opinion on the author:I´ve read every book written by this author and I can easily say she´s created a small masterpiece with this one. I hardly read a book that has everything I crave for in it. I LOVE angst, I LOVE not knowing what will happen next, I LOVE strong characters with realistic backgrounds, I LOVE to torture myself with the idea that the events I read about can happen in real life, and I LOVE when a story has a dialogue I can keep up with. Jennifer Loren creates characters who aren´t broken...they become broken ( more or less ) at some point in her stories. They´re all pretty normal until shit hits the fan. That shows me, as a reader, that this author has it in her to gradually create a disaster instead of throwing it in at the very beginning. But what I personally enjoy the most is her talent for balance. The characters in her books have their fair share of good and bad moments. Life can´t be 100% crappy, right? Jennifer Loren is a wickedly cool rockstar author with a badass talent for writing unforgettable stories. If you´re a fan of this author´s The Devil´s Eyes series...then The Law Of Kings will blow your mind. Would I recommend this book?F**K YEAH! Would I re-read this book?Oooooh yes I would. The Divas are giving The Law Of The Kings by Jennifer Loren 5 out of 5 champagne glasses. less
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DNF - 40% Everything was just moving too slow for me, plus no real interest in the characters.
I need more! When does book 2 come out?LOVED THIS!
Coming soon! Dark, steamy hot, and just- WOW!
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