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Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend (2009)

by Jenny Colgan(Favorite Author)
3.76 of 5 Votes: 3
0751540315 (ISBN13: 9780751540314)
review 1: *Claps* Well done Jenny. This is your best book by far. And look! It's not even been given away free with a magazine, somebody actually paid for this! Okay I'll stop being mean now. I just have a love hate relationship with Jennys books. I like the main character which was a good start. And the plot, spoilt little rich girl loses everything and ends up scrubbing toilets. Wasn't all bad though, she was still a photographers assitant. Wasn't like she was working in Asda or anything. I liked the side characters though something was a little off about Eck. This is one for the beach!
review 2: I enjoyed this book, I'm not big on chicklit as a general rule but this was light, funny and had the necessary ingredients to make it work. You can imagine the privileged bei
... moreng rather naive about how the less fortunate mass of the population live, managing for themselves. I was a little surprised about Eck, without spoiling the review I am not going to elaborate. However the outcome was fairly predictable. less
Reviews (see all)
An easy to read, fun chick-lit. Just something to read when you are after an easy quick read.
It was okay but just slightly boring for me. I think I didn't finish the book.
Funny, warm and had me sobbing by the end
This was good. The ending surprised me.
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