A feature that helps you finally declutter your TBR shelf.
This was started by the wonderful Lia @ Lost in a Story whose blog you should definitely check out! I can’t believe I already did 9 posts in this series. And yet, my TBR is not getting any smaller… I am however rediscovering books, so that’s a plus! I hope all of you enjoy these posts as much as I enjoy writing them.
How it works:
- Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
- Order on ascending date added.
- Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
- Read the synopses of the books
- Decide: keep it or should it go?
Current count of books on my to-read shelf is… 580. Which is a lot. So let’s get rid of some of them (hopefully, sometimes I massively fail)!
1. The Seer by Ali SmithI really enjoy Ali Smith’s writing. I think what she does is really unique and unorthodox, so I really want to read everything she puts out. This is a play, and it’s about a couple whose relationship gets tumbled by a visit. It comes really highly recommended and it sounds intriguing.
Verdict: I am keeping you
2. Asking For It by Louise O’NeillAll I know about this is 1. Everyone LOVES it and 2. It’s about rape, dealing with it, and just rape culture in general. I am really excited to get to this one at one point in my life.
Verdict: I am keeping you
3. The Dumb House by John BurnsideThis is the creepiest thing ever. It’s about a guy who decides to recreate the Dumb House, which is an experiment where children were only attended by mutes, in order to check whether language is acquired or innate. Our protagonist does that to his own children, who end up developing a language on their own and stuff gets super weird. Sounds so good and people are in love with it, so yeah.
Verdict: I am keeping you
4. Glory O’Brien’s History of the Future by A.S. KingSee I thought I’d remove this one, but now I am not sure. But this synopsis is too good man. It’s about Glory who is graduating from high school when she starts getting visions of the future and the past. Hundreds of generations forward and backward. She sees a tyrannical leader appearing, women’s rights disappear, a civil war breaks out. And she starts recording all of that. Ugh, it sounds so good, but I am not sure I’ll realistically pick this one up. Though I could be persuaded, let me know if I should keep it!
Verdict: Goodbye (for now)
5. All the Birds, Singing by Evie WyldA book that comes really highly recommended, but whose synopsis I find not that exciting to me personally. I think this has a unique structure, meaning the story is told in a specific way, but I can’t remember what it actually is and moreover, that’s not enough for me to keep this one.
Verdict: Goodbye
6. Burial Rites by Hannah KentThis is a very well known Historical Fiction novel. I really dislike Historical Fiction for some reason, but this really sparks my interest. It’s set in Iceland (which is a unique setting in itself, but especially since it’s set in the past) and it’s about a woman who goes to a secluded farm to await execution for the murder of her master. It sounds so amazing.
Verdict: I am keeping you
7. Not on Fire, but Burning by Greg HrbekI have no idea how this came to be on my TBR (it was probably from Booktube). It’s this strange, sci-fi/ dystopia book. It sounds complicated and convoluted and I am never going to read it, since I can’t even be bothered to fully read the synopsis.
Verdict: Goodbye
8. Career of Evil by Robert GalbraithI really enjoy J.K. Rowling’s Cormoran Strike series, especially from the perspective of them being character studies. The mysteries are sort of cozy and not that exciting, but I love Rowling’s writing and I think she did an amazing job with the characters, so I am looking forward to reading the third book.
Verdict: I am keeping you
9. The Sea of Tranquility by Katja MillayThis is a YA Contemporary Romance novel, which I had no idea what it was about when I added it, and I still don’t. Obviously, the chances of me reading this are very close to zero, so I can’t be bothered to exactly pin point the plot of this one.
Verdict: Goodbye
10. The Book of Strange New Things by Michel FaberThis is a Literary Sci Fi novel by Michel Faber, whose poetry collection I adored and speak frequently about. This one is about a man who goes to a different galaxy to spread religion among the population of that planet. I think it follows him, but also his wife who stays behind and their relationship. It’s a huge book, but one I think is highly rewarding.
Verdict: I am keeping you
So this time I removed 4 books, which is more than my average, so that’s great. It’s still low, but at least it’s more than I usually do.
The overall tally:Total books removed since I started: 29
Current number of books on the to-read shelf: 576
Thanks for reading, let me know your thoughts on these books if you have read any of them!
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