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I, Paul (2014)

by Jerry B. Jenkins(Favorite Author)
4.1 of 5 Votes: 4
1617950076 (ISBN13: 9781617950070)
Worthy Publishing
review 1: I give it a 2.5 I found this book dull until you get to chapter 20 which is almost halfway through the book. I stuck with reading it because of the high ratings others gave it. I found the book slow and very boring at times. There is a huge gap at the end of the book were I thought Augie would talk with his father but that was missing even though it is brought up several times in the book. That I found a little disappointing.
review 2: This was an amazing page turner. Prior to reading it, I was not sure how it could stand up to the claims that had been made about it. The alternating chapters for the two time periods were seamless. I wish that there had been a little more character development on Augie and his family/ friends but my guess is that will come in
... more the sequel. Luke's friendship for Paul was so real and tender. The historical time period seemed to have very accurate details. less
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This is now my favorite book. Thanks Jerry! Can't wait for the next installment.
An interesting novel. I liked the two time periods intertwined.
Interesting read, interesting perspective to consider.
Great book!
Loved it!
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