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Hell Hounds Are For Suckers (2012)

by Jessica McBrayer(Favorite Author)
3.72 of 5 Votes: 4
Mess of Geckos Publishing
Vampires of San Francisco
review 1: This one was a free read recently at Amazon and the reason why I started reading the series. It's about Hannah, Lilly's best friend from the first novel and tells the story of how she found a hell hound and later fell in love with its owner, Diel a demon. They start out cussing and fighting but soon move to wide-eyed lusty expressions and love promises. Very cute together and funny. Loved seeing so much of Aidan. I honestly missed him although I have to admit to loving Hannah and Diel too.
review 2: I really don't have any clear opinion as to what this book is. Sure it's paranormal. And there is a romance element. Beyond that this was all over the place for me. And imho the page length isn't an accurate representation of the story but I was unable to find any r
... moreeference to the actual word count to be able to say that as anything than my opinion. Overall this had it's moments but was disjointed and fragmented. less
Reviews (see all)
This was an amusing but predictable tale. I did like most of the secondary characters.
This is a cute short read. Enjoyable for what it is.
i really liked this book!
excellent read.
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