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Louder Than Love (2013)

by Jessica Topper(Favorite Author)
3.96 of 5 Votes: 2
Berkley/InterMix (Penguin)
review 1: Oh, my favorite reviewers let me down on this one. I don't know why you guts liked it! Ok, so the author is clearly intelligent, and the idea behind her story line and characters is a good one. But this needs a massive rewrite. It's very much a first draft of a novel that could be good. It actually reads more like background notes for a novel, extensive background notes written in the first person by the heroine. Now she needs to put it into the third person, and cut the over-frickin-whelming amount of extraneous stuff and focus on her story.I'm not against first person normally, but this is first person gone wrong. Also, I'm sorry, the male romantic lead is introduced in the least appealing way possible, he has "watery blue eyes", smells like tobacco smoke and hard ... moreliquor and badly needs to pee.
review 2: Not sure why this was rated so high. Good storyline with decent enough writing but seemed passionless, slow moving and a little flat. Ex-junkie ex-rock star meets vulnerable widow with young daughter. It goes on from there. All I can say is, I kept drifting away to check my Facebook, google a blog I enjoy, read up on other books on Goodreads, and happily put it down to sleep. Believe me, if this had been entertaining I would have fought sleep and stayed with it! I hope the author stays with it, as she has talent. But romance novels really need a little spice! less
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A sweet story. Slightly different from what I'm use to reading, but good overall.
I rarely write reviews. Can't believe this book isn't rated more highly.
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