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Brotin Egg (2000)

by Jim Powell(Favorite Author)
3.78 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: I thoroughly enjoyed this story of a man who is forced by time and circumstances to face several issues that had shaped the first 60 years of his life. I found myself identifying with Feliks as he sold his moderately successful guidebook to Eastern Europe, reconnected with his brother whom he hadn't seen since the early days of WWII, discovers what happened to his mother, and finds the love of his life who got away. Feliks' life had been shaped by his perceptions, which it turns out were largely built on the mistaken beliefs of his childhood. In re-evaluating his life, Feliks find his ideas on politics were not as rational as he had once thought. The entire emotional and philosophical journey that Feliks undergoes in the course of this novel provided food for thought as it... more kept the reader engaged.
review 2: I really liked this book because it shows a lot of points of view and life styles and how people arrive at them. It also made me think of how people can live fuller and more colorful lives when they are able to seek first to understand and let others in that don't believe exactly as they do about life. Everyone arrives at the station from different places and we can't judge what we don't know. I love the theme of "it's never too late" to love and be loved and to engage in life and be happy. I thought the author was very talented with character development. I really got a visual and felt like I'd met the people in the story. I would definately recommend this book. less
Reviews (see all)
This was a lovely debut novel - quiet, but very interesting and well-written.
I loved this book. I found the different perspective captivating.
Intelligent, funny, sarcastic, wonderfully written. Loved it
9/10, really liked it. Best book I've read so far this year.
Loved it. Witty, sad, real, fascinating.
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