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Midnight Squad: The Grim (2012)

by J.L.M. Visada(Favorite Author)
3.7 of 5 Votes: 2
J.L.M. Visada
Midnight Squad
review 1: I'm a woman and I loved this book. If a book can make me giggle snort out loud, then it's a winner. I even overlooked spelling/grammar/continuity mistakes because I liked the book that much. I'm tired of books that take themselves too seriously and in the process forget that they were made for the reader. This book felt like walking in on private jokes amongst a group of friends and being included in that group. I do have a lean towards urban fantasy with a healthy dash of black humour and a liberal smattering of nookie. This book fulfils all my needs and I liked it so much I bought the 2nd in the series before I'd even finished this one, so I could jump right in.With a little spit and polish I'd give this 5 stars.
review 2: This book isn't made to be taken too
... more seriously - you can tell by the tone used from the beginning and the situations that crop up, a lot of which would otherwise beggar belief. It's outrageous, funny, and very steamy.It's very much a male fantasy and I think it will appeal most to young men. The main character, Grim, is put in charge of a team of women who are all hot in different ways (and they all fancy him of course) and he basically goes about fixing all of their problems. I think a lot of women would find this book condescending, if they were to pick it up expecting a more serious fantasy novel. I just enjoyed it for what it was, a light read with a good sense of humour. There's a lot of laugh out loud moments and quotable sentences. I personally liked this one - 'Wow, just thinking that made my ID throw up on my inner child'- but there are loads more!The plot seemed formulated to provide Grim with opportunities for lots of steamy sex. I'm actually surprised the author hasn't put this book out there as erotica as the main character has sex on the brain!There are definitely editing issues with this book. If it wasn't for the humorous tone I would have abandonded reading as there is a fair amount of missing words, punctuation and at times it's not obvious who's speaking because the dialogue isn't properly broken up. I think if you click on 'look inside' you'll be able tell if you can get past this or not by the first few pages. less
Reviews (see all)
The imagery in this book took me into a hentai movie and kept me laughing. I loved the characters.
pure escapism. funny. tongue in cheek. puerile. ends happily. very bloody, Christian message too.
this book is way cool, and sooooo funny. i was laughing all the way to the end
Loved it.
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