X-Men #31

Soul Possessions Pt 1: The Butterfly & The Hawk

About 90% of my comic book purchase decisions are made based on the cover art. 100%, if I’m not reading spoilers or following an arc. It’s generally not a good model to follow, but for right or wrong, it’s how I roll. Most of my buys are tightly-sealed back issues anyway, so the cover art is really all I have to go on.

The model bamboozles more times than not. Cover art – truly the one thing that should – often doesn’t go to inform an issue’s content. This treachery is particularly prevalent in material published within the last decade (nothing about Snowbird not being the focus of this issue is ok!)

But when I see a cover like this, with chiseled characters sporting scandalous pouch-clad costumes, I know I’m looking at the reliable 90’s and that I’m buying exactly what’s being advertised. And particularly in the case of X-Men #31, I couldn’t be a happier camper.

Two (and a half?