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Sagorjeli : Zašto Izgaramo Od Posla I Kako Se Oporaviti (2012)

by Joan Borysenko(Favorite Author)
3.56 of 5 Votes: 1
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review 1: Dr. Borysenko does an excellent job of describing what burnout is and how it effects your life and health, but falls way short, in my opinion, of offering real help in the recovery from being fried. The last few chapters of the book are little more than comments left by her Facebook friends, most containing way too much "being one with the universe" babel. I was hoping that the book, which had a good factual beginning, would have offered a more structured guidance towards recovering from burnout. I kept reading, but with each new page, the drudgery of reading yet another Facebook comment grew tiring. If you would remove all the quoted comments, there is little left of her own writing, and a lot of that is anecdotal writing about herself. Looking at the author's other books... more, it seems she is in the business of writing short "feel good books" rather than books of substance. Was disappointed and had hoped for more.
review 2: i've read a lot of books about burn out and getting out of burn out. this is the best so far. right book, right time. right way of approach. no corporate classroom powerpoint slide feel. very honest and holistic. highly recommended if you're even considering the title. :)quotes: "when you tell your body that you're not particularly interested in living, and you let your life force run perilously low, it's not surprising that the physical plant obliges by shutting down""You can study personality with a variety of systems that are fascinating windows on what shapes your unique personality, temperament, and worldview. But the bottom line is this: If you know who you are and accept it, then you're less likely to waste energy trying to be something you're not. It's the struggle that will burn you out. And it's the acceptance of who you are that lets you relax and soften your edges. The result is the natural joy of living comfortably in your own skin"while i don't think her method was a "it solved everything and did my wash too," i appreciated it much more than the very many "you can have it all if you just organize/work out/eat enough/do this enough" self help that tends to be offered for burnout. it was much more focused on burnout as a natural progression of the self. a cycle. time to take notice, stop, withdraw in. give focus back to yourself, remember who you are and what you are capable of. and then get back out there. less
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"Heaven is not a destination, but a state of mind."
Turns out we aren't machines.
rec by Katie
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