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3 Sides To A Circle (2013)

by Jolene Perry(Favorite Author)
3.68 of 5 Votes: 5
Next Door Books
review 1: Well, that was an emotional ride. Such a different NA book than I'm used to reading. LOVED that. It's sometimes hard to remember that there are all kinds of love stories to tell, including friendship love stories. And while I may not have had a similar University experience, there was something about the way this was written that just brought me back to that time.It was so hard to read at times, b/c I was looking at it from my more experienced perspective, and things were so obvious to me that I Just wanted to scream at them to wake up and notice that this was not NORMAL! But if I were to actually take myself back to that time in my life, would I Have done any better? Maybe. Maybe not. It made the characters so real, and I loved them all even with all their flaws a... morend things that I hated.Definitely the kind of book that just digs in and rests inside your heart for awhile. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
review 2: When Honor walks into her dorm room in her freshman year in college the last thing she expects to see is her roommate balancing on the furniture while painting the ceiling. The room is chaotic, and Honor, who is reserved and quiet, wonders what in the world have she has gotten herself into. Libby Patterson is one of a kind with her purple hair and outgoing personality. She's not afraid of anything or anyone, says what she thinks, does what she wants, and manages to make everyone around her fall in love with her. Little does Honor know, Libby is just what she needs to help her break out of her shell. Honor is beautiful, even does modeling, but she is also very shy, sometimes coming across as snobby because of it. When Libby and Honor run into Toby outside of their dorm room one day, an immediate friendship is formed. Toby is looking to move out of his dorm room because his roommate "stinks," literally, as in "does not bathe." Libby takes it upon herself to "help" him with his problem, and she, Honor, and Toby proceed to his old room and Libby tells Toby's rommate exactly what the problem is, nothing withheld, in only the way that she can get away with. Toby is very quiet, has a nerdy quality but pulls it off in a good way, rather attractive, and wonders how in the world he got in the middle of this 3-sided circle with these two beautiful and totally hot girls, yet wouldn't want to be any other place. These three form a friendship that is unique and sometimes a little strange, especially to outsiders, with Libby being the center of it and the glue that holds it together. When Toby gets hurt really bad, Libby even moves him into their dorm room to take care of him. It kind of reminds me of that old show "Three's Company." Honor meets this really hot, sweet, and almost to good to be true painter, Sawyer, and ends up falling for him hard. Sawyer is crazy about Honor two, but her friendship with Libby and Toby bothers him, a lot, and soon Honor finds herself having to decide how much Sawyer means to her and what place he holds in her life, or risk losing him. Meanwhile, Libby's behavior is getting more erratic, Toby must face the fact that his feelings for Libby go further than friendship, and Honor has to deal with the fact that her friends have found out she is a model, with a possible job that could mean big changes for her, them, and their circle. When things with Libby get totally out of hand and the truth behind what is really going on with her is revealed, will these friends be brought closer together or torn apart forever as a result of it. I enjoyed 3 Sides to a Circle. Jolene Perry and Jana Watts did a great job of addressing the issue of mental illness, how it affects not only the person who has it, but how it affects those around them. Too many times, unless you have a friend or loved one who suffers from some type of mental illness, I thinks many people see the illness and not the person, at least not as a real person, separate from their illness. It is obvious that Libby has something going on from the beginning, or at least it was to me, but you really got to know her, love her, and connect with her as a person, separate from her illness, and it gives you a whole different perspective on the whole issue. The friendship between these there was endearing, and a little weird at times, but that is the way it was meant to come across. I enjoyed seeing what these three got themselves into and what they had to get themselves out of, as they discover things about themselves, each other, and what they really want for their lives and their futures. I enjoyed the romantic aspect of the book also, and it ends really with, with an epilogue, which is something I really like, and which brings everything together. If you are a contemporary romance fan then 3 Sides to a Circle is something you may want to check out. less
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I've read better and read worse. Easy enough to get through.
Caught between a 2.5 and a 3 at the moment. Review to come.
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