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Are You Experienced? (2013)

by Jordan Sonnenblick(Favorite Author)
3.92 of 5 Votes: 2
1250025648 (ISBN13: 9781250025647)
Feiwel & Friends
review 1: I can always count on Jordan Sonnenblick for compelling and well-written novels with authentic-sounding teen characters, stories with values I espouse and have no hesitation recommending to the kids I teach, and memorable, moving themes. This contemporary fantasy and coming-of-age story introduces a teenage musician who defies his emotionally distant father by playing a forbidden magical guitar that transports him back to Woodstock, where he meets and attends the concert with his then teenage father and his friends, and his concert/camping experience reveals hidden family truths that awaken empathy and respect for his dad--and a new bond upon his return to reality. Kind of like "Back to the Future" set at Woodstock, and I found the book to be a reading EXPERIENCE that was ... moresurprisingly nostalgic just because I knew the music and the artist that the narrator encounters. Funny, historically enlightening for today's kids to whom Woodstock artists are legends, ARE YOU EXPERIENCED? will appeal especially to music-savvy teens, as well as their parents!
review 2: Jordan Sonnenblick has once again written a book I love. Having never done any research on Woodstock myself, I felt as if I wasn't just immersed in the story, but also getting a backstage pass to one of the most famous concert experiences of all time. The realistic portrayal of the effects of drugs, both short and long term, and the gut-wrenching portrayal of the multitude of abuses the main characters have experienced in their short lives, resulted in a powerful novel I won't soon forget. This is an important novel for today's teens which provides an interesting historical look at a previous generation while exploring the choices teens make without being didactic. less
Reviews (see all)
I really liked all the references to Woodstock! I am also one who enjoys stories about time travel.
Solid. Good father/son bonding and the best description of a mushroom trip I've ever read.
A much different book than what I expected, but an excellent read.
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