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Le Cachot De La Sorcière (2014)

by Joseph Delaney(Favorite Author)
3.66 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: Received the e-galley from NetGalley. Delaney does a great job weaving a creepy, spooky story. The short length and engaging plot make it a good choice for reluctant readers. The illustrations match the tone of the book perfectly and complement the storyline. The narrative has the feel of an old-fashioned ghost story told around the campfire or in a dark room by flashlight. Older elementary and possibly young teens will enjoy this tale just in time for Halloween.
review 2: This haunting Halloween tale piqued my interest and with Joseph Delaney at the helm I knew I would not be disappointed. Taking place over one night, young Billy must go to his first night as a night shift prison guard at the haunted old castle. This book is very short and as such progress qui
... morete quickly, Delaney does mange to pepper in some scares throughout leading up to the hide under your covers finale. The illustrations are very well done and are frequented in often which always add something spectacular to Delaney's work. A good quick scary read before bedtime, though you may want to read in the sun. (Just to be safe.) less
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Wow....this took about 10-15 minutes to read, but it was so creepy....
This was a cute kids ghost story.
Creepy little ghost story!
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