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Ricordando Quella Notte (2014)

by Julie James(Favorite Author)
4.09 of 5 Votes: 3
Mondadori (I romanzi Emozioni)
FBI/US Attorney
review 1: I was looking forward to the continuation to the FBI/US Attorney series but the 3rd series was truly a disappointment. Kyle was dramatic in the 2nd which makes me excited on what was in store for his very own story but it was such a let down.Rylann was simply irritating when placed together with Kyle. When they are a separate entity, their character is simply something to look up to. However, when coupled together, their character and attitude just diminish as the interaction goes.Nevertheless, I felt the punch when Kyle was narrating his family situation. It was emotional and heart-warming.Overall, I will rate 3 stars for the 3rd series.
review 2: J'ai passe un très bon moment avec Kyle et Rylann.J'ai aime cette première rencontre manquée et leurs retrouvai
... morelles.J'ai aime que kyle sorte de l'ordinaire et soit informaticien.J'ai ri.J'ai adoré tous les dialogues, y compris ceux des personnages secondaires.Bref un très bon moment.J'aurais mis 5* si j'avais couiné un peu plus.Je recommande ce livre, il remplit parfaitement sa mission. less
Reviews (see all)
Another really good book by Julie James. This is definitely my favorite in the series.
It's a great story. . .but sad that it just ended that way. I was expecting for more.
It's official. I'm addicted to Julie James' works. nough said.
This is one of the reasons as to why I want to be a lawyer ;)
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