The Definitive Introvert Type Test

Part of my usual FB feed scrolling is randomly taking online quizzes. Just now, a friend shared one named “The Definitive 25 Question Introvert Type Test”. Out of curiosity, I took the test.

In this test, you are given situational statements and if you are in that situation, you have to rate yourself from 1 (Not At All) to 4 (Very Much). The link says you may get any of the following results:

I gave away the answers that first popped in my mind. And I got, “The Protector” Introvert Type.

So, what is “The Protector” Introvert Type?

“This introvert type is quite unique, as many of your personality qualities defy the definition of your individual traits. Though you’re deeply emotional, you have excellent analytical abilities; though introverted, you have well-developed people skills and robust social relationships; and though you are somewhat conservative, you are often receptive to change and new ideas. You are a true altruist, meeting kindness with kindness-in-excess and engaging the work and people you believe in with enthusiasm and generosity! You can literally save the world!”

I don’t know if I totally agree to that – well, maybe I agreed at around 90% of it.

Are you an introvert? Try taking the quiz HERE. Let me know if we got the same type or which type you got.

Carpe diem,

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