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Morgue Drawer Four (2009)

by Jutta Profijt(Favorite Author)
3.3 of 5 Votes: 4
1611090326 (ISBN13: 9781611090321)
Morgue Drawer
review 1: Martin is a coroner in Germany and he's a happy little scientist who takes pride in his work. And then suddenly, during the autopsy of a small-time car thief, he finds he can hear the spirit of the aforementioned deceased thief. Pascha finds that he can't move on until his death is solved and so the two of them investigate the underworld that Pascha inhabited whilst alive. This was rather amusing and ended up being a kind of German Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased). Will definitely be seeking out more in the series.
review 2: What is up with this book? So the main character ends up becoming a ghost and wants to find out how he was murdered. The only problem is that he is an arrogant douche-bag pervert. I could not stand how he talks or thinks more than half of the
... more time. I kept reading thinking it would be cool to solve the mystery with the coroner helping, but then I ended up questioning why do I even care about how he died. He is not a character you would sympathize with at all. In a way it is entertaining to imagine if ghosts of the bodies in a morgue could show up, but I was disappointed. The ending was a total slap to my face, but my stubborn self will read the next one hoping for some improvement or better resolution in this series. The only thing that led me to reading this book continuously and so quickly was because I was sitting for 8 hours at a desk at the morgue anyway! irony. less
Reviews (see all)
Very unusual book. You will either like it or not like it, but this is one unusual detective story.
The plot was pretty slow moving for me and was glad when I finished it to be honest
This was really good and funny! Killer cliffhanger so ill be on to book 2 soon!
Not recommended--dark and explicit and just downright unpleasant read
This was an interesting premise and kind of a fun read.
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