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Lead Us Not (2012)

by Kate McMurray(Favorite Author)
3.83 of 5 Votes: 2
M/M Romance Group @ goodreads
review 1: Lead Us Not was really good and it probably would have been better, but a couple of times I did worry about this couple. I understand (sort of) that couples drift apart sometimes and they just need reminding. But I still think it doesn't have to happen the way it did here.Saying that, I was really happy with how the author ended things. She didn't leave it really open for them. And I wanted that for these two, especially when you consider how difficult these two had it. I would have been extremely annoyed if something had actually happened and a couple of times it did come close.A nice story and one I would recommend to those who like couples who fight for their relationship. Maybe not for those who don't like the idea of cheating of any sort, though, because I am a tiny b... moreit conflicted still.
review 2: Sometimes it's productive for love to hurt; it gives us perspective. It helps us remember why we fell in love in the first place and why, even though things become complicated, through all the temptations, we still love each other, and that love is a precious gift worth holding onto with all our might. Jess and Sam, in 'Lead Us Not' by Kate McMurray, are in the throes of such a battle.I loved Jess and Sam. They are two of the most endearing characters I've ever encountered. They are so admirable, so real, and so human. The poignancy of the story made my heart ache in a happy and in a sad way, as I struggled with them through their self-doubts and fought the battle within to reclaim the faith they had in their love and each other. I held my breath as I watched the doubt and insecurity creep into their minds, tempered by the disappointments which life often brings, praying that they wouldn't succumb, that their love and faith in each other would prevail.This is one of my favorites so far from the 'Love is always Write' series, perhaps because I, as well as many others out there, can easily relate to the almost hopeless feeling of sensing that something wonderful is slipping away and not knowing how to fix it. The story is so well written, logical, and clear. The characters are wonderfully formed and extremely easy to understand. It's an extraordinary story and one that we will all do well to keep in mind. Thanks, Kate, for helping us remember that the good things in our lives only stay that way if we are diligent, and refrain from taking the people and situations in our lives for granted. less
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