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Across The East River Bridge (2011)

by Kate McMurray(Favorite Author)
3.86 of 5 Votes: 5
Loose ID, LLC
review 1: I love ghost stories, especially those with a whodunit to solve. I had a bit of trouble with this book because there were editorial issues that should've been caught at line edits but thankfully did not take me out of the story too much. Thoroughly enjoy the author's voice and am a huge fan of the historical period set in New York so I definitely enjoyed this read. I'm looking forward to more from this author.
review 2: Well, I was late to work this morning because I had to finish the last chapter and the epilogue. I sometimes shy away from paranormal romances because I absolutely love a good ghost story and it's so hard to find a well written one. This book did not disappoint. I loved that the main characters were so different and had such different voices. Th
... moreeir banter was amusing even when they argued. And they argued a lot. I wanted to give Finn a hug and smack him upside the head all in one page. He was so stubborn and just refused to give up his anger at Troy for the longest time. I totally get it, I hate to quit a good mad before I'm ready! At the same time I did appreciate how they were mature enough to admit (even if just to themselves at first) their misplaced anger and insecurities.The paranormal element wasn't overdone or oversold. Being a West Coaster I couldn't appreciate the historical elements and locations as much as a native could, but they didn't leave me out of the story either. Sometimes, when a book is set in a very specific place that has a rich history I'm not familiar with I can feel like a bit of an outsider and I don't connect with the story or the characters, but I didn't feel that here.The connection between Finn and Troy was obvious, realistic and sometimes heartbreaking. Overall I really enjoyed this book and will be reading more from this author. less
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I liked this book very much. The dead lovers moved me.
a little boring
3.75 stars.
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