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Marty McGuire - Audio Library Edition (2011)

by Kate Messner(Favorite Author)
4.07 of 5 Votes: 1
0545321468 (ISBN13: 9780545321464)
Scholastic Audio Books
Marty McGuire
review 1: This book is #1 in the series which my daughter and I had already started with a previous-read-aloud (#2 in the series), Marty McGuire Digs Worms!. I believe I liked MMDW better, however, but I think my daughter liked both equally. In this one, Marty is in 3rd grade and is assigned to be the princess in the “Princess and the Frog Prince” 3rd grade play. She doesn’t want to be the princess b/c she is more of a tom-boy, but her teacher and her parents convince her that she was chosen precisely b/c she exhibits the characteristics that this role calls for: bravery, talent, intelligence. She reluctantly agrees and learns about the value of improvising and being spontaneous as she gets into her role. In the end, the point is (gently) made that girls CAN be princess-... morey (care about what they look like, etc..) and still enjoy nature, frogs, Jane Goodall, adventures. I say “gently” b/c this only came right at the end and I think it should have come sooner. I found myself improvising a lot as I read and changing some parts and inserting new parts as I read out loud to try to bend and twist the message a little bit better, in my humble opinion.
review 2: I loved Marty from the very first page. Her voice is unique and honest. Her story is engaging and full of content. It doesn't feel like it's missing something, unlike a lot of other books for this age level. Floca's illustrations are wonderfully detailed and add to the story's humor. It has a lot of appeal for both girls and boys-- Marty catches frogs AND wears princess costumes. I would recommend this one to 2-4th graders. less
Reviews (see all)
I fell in love with Marty McGuire, and I know many young girls that will too!
A lovely beginning chapter book both boys and girls will enjoy.
Tomboy girl who enjoys different things. A simple chapter book
Great little story!
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