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Ein Lottogewinn Und 8 Millionen Andere Probleme (2013)

by Keren David(Favorite Author)
3.36 of 5 Votes: 1
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review 1: This book is a pleasant read. I recommend it as a good holiday read; something easy and light to entertain yourself with on the beach for instance. It won't leave an impression or make you reconsider anything after reading it that many great novels do, however I don't think the author is trying to trick anyone into thinking it will do that anyway.The main character: Lia. Is unlikable and leaves the reader constantly infuriated with her reckless and immature decisions. But then again it is probably the most realistic take on a 16 year old girl that I have read in a while. Although the constant fighting between Lia and her mother did annoy me because it felt uncomfortably harsh at times.I found the story enjoyable, it felt well researched and the plot between Lia and Raf was... more interesting (although I felt when Raf's background was explained it was done too quickly). If you need something light and easy to read I would recommend this book.
review 2: Why did I decide to read this book?The cover stood out to me when I was skimming and scanning the books in the libray as I wonder how cool it will be winning the lottery and the effects on your life which the showed me there are heaps.Also I have seen this book pop up on the suggestion Column with the other books I have read.Why I liked it/didn't like it I like how this book made questions pop up in my head saying,Would I be making the same mistakes as Lia if I had won? or what would I buy first?I have read many books where I can't put it down because it's so good and this is one of them.Even though winning the lottery is unlikely for me it has a good message in the story so if I won it wouldn't of turned out to be bad.Something new I learnt from the book?Be careful what you have,It can go if you don't treat it right which relates to Lia and get money.I also learnt think before you act as you can't change your actions and also be careful what you say out loud as it can hurt many peoples feelings and can start a huge problem between them and yourself, making friends and family turn against you.A character or setting that interested me?Raf, Lias boyfriend interested me straight away as he had been through heaps since a very young age,moving schools all the time,losing his mum and him feeling alone and unloved.Everyone thought he was a vampire including Lia until they got close, everyone thought it was because if Lias winnings but Lia disagreed and so do I.This made me heavily glued to the book.Money doesn't solve problems and Lias doesn't too.eight million dollar birthday present has changed Lias life by endangering her love ones.16 year old Lia gets kicked out of her house by her own mother but soon after it was forgotten when she arrives back with a winning yellow ticket of 8 million dollars.Lia was amazed and the next thing she knew Lia had fainted in the arms of her lover.Raf, which loads her with more problems to come.Lia's sister Natasha doesn't think one the consequence of telling her school that her sister won the lottery.result of her sister there is a Facebook page set up called 'We Hate Lia Latimer' which soon after her story gets to the press then everyone knows about Lias win.16 year olds dream for this amount of money but I think Lias unsure if it's worth dreaming now.By Abby Kelsall less
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Meh. I never felt a connection to the main character, so never got vested in the story.
Why did I even pick this book up?
Really enjoyed this!
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