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Aerenden: The Child Returns (2012)

by Kristen Taber(Favorite Author)
4.39 of 5 Votes: 3
0985120002 (ISBN13: 9780985120009)
Sean Tigh Press
review 1: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. And I'm so glad I signed up for this one. I love Love Loved, this book!Meagan cannot understand why her feelings for her parent's boarder keep being rebuffed. He's of a similar age to her, he's cute, he seems perfect, but he rejects her every advance. Then her parents are brutally murdered and she finds herself on the run with Nick, the boarder. He whisks her away from the crime scene and then drops the biggest bombshell of all on her. They weren't her parents, and she isn't even from Earth. Also, she has special powers that she MUST learn to control, or she will become victim to the evil creatures that inhabit her home world.This book started out a little slow, and I admit, I had to put it down after the ... morefirst couple of pages and give it a couple of days before I picked it up again, and the second time I got right into it, and read it in 2 days. Meagan and Nick have a great relationship. They don't "fall in love" instantly. At times they can barely stand each other, and she resents him for taking her away from her life. It's so much better than most YA books where girl meets boy and is all of a sudden a slave to his every whim because she cant possibly live without him. Meagan argues with Nick, does her own thing sometimes and learns to be herself.This book held me captive until I didn't even realize it was over. And I was thrilled to find the epilogue, so that I have at least a small taste of what is to come in the next installment, which I can't wait to get my hands on.A strong 5 Stars from me.
review 2: *I received this book from We ♥ YA Books! and the author in exchange for an honest review.*I extremely liked the ideas of this book, they were really creative. The author Kristen Taber did take the common idea of a girl suddenly finding out she was royalty, but Kristen found a way to change it into something really interesting and original. I loved the way the dialogues were also very detailed and made me feel as if I was actually there experiencing it. But the only flaw in the book was that the events passed by far to quickly. I would be reading about how the main character was running away and suddenly she would be safe again. I think that if there were more details to the events, the book would be complete and even more amazing.Seventeen year old Meaghan becomes revealed to a terrible and amazing secret that changed her life forever. She finds out she her life was a lie and the weight of her kingdom Ærenden is now on her shoulders. She suddenly has to find a way to stop the war that her people are waging against an evil man who betrayed her family. All with the help of her best friend Nick, who doesn't tell her the whole truth either. I definitely recommend everyone to read this book. Thank you so much Kristen for this book! less
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Ohhhh I just love it when a $.99 Kindle book is great. So excited for the next installment.
4.5 stars. Review to come. Loved this book!
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Review to come :)
4½ Stars
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